- Directive No. 342
- Directive No. 342
- Dirección 342
- Direzzjoni Nru. 342
- Nip anything harmful in the bud, at the first sign. If you don't do that for bodily and spiritual health, death will deprive you of the life of your body and of your soul. The fault will be yours for not having taken the necessary precautions from the very beginning.
- Nip in the bud. If you do not do that as regards your bodily and spiritual health, death will deprive you of the life both of your body and of your soul. The fault will be yours for not having taken the necessary precautions from the very beginning.
- Debes defenderte de cada mal desde su inicio y sin perder tiempo. Si no haces eso para la salud del cuerpo y del alma, la muerte te quitará la vida corporal y la vida espiritual. La causa será que no has sabido defenderte desde un principio.
- Kull deni ilqagħlu mill-ewwel, mill-bidu. Jekk ma tagħmilx hekk dwar is-saħħa tal-ġisem, u dwar is-saħħa tar-ruħ, il-mewt tipprivak mill-ħajja tal-ġisem, u mill-ħajja tar-ruħ, u l-kawża tkun li ma tkunx ilqajt mill-bidu.
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