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  • 5 years ago
  • Open Content
  • Gluttonous
  • Vice
  • Mortification
  • Self-denial
Spiritual Directory
St George Preca

  • Directive No. 552
  • Directive No. 552
  • Dirección 552
  • Direzzjoni Nru. 552

  • They who care little for external mortification, saying that internal mortification is more perfect, show clearly they are in no way mortified, either externally or internally. Whoever allows themselves to be dominated by vices, especially gluttony, are behaving more like beasts than humans.
  • They who care little about external mortification, because they say that internal mortification is more perfect, show clearly that they are not all self-denying persons, either externally or internally. Those who let themselves be dominated by vices, especially by that of gluttony, should be called beasts rather than human beings.
  • Quien descuida la mortificación exterior, porque dice que la mortificación interior es más perfecta, muestra que no tiene ni mortificación interior ni exterior. Quien se deja vencer por su cuerpo, especialmente por la gula, no es digno de llamarse ser humano.
  • Min ftit jagħti kont tat-tgħakkis ta’ barra, għax igħid li t-għakkis ta’ ġewwa hu iktar perfett, dan juri biċ-ċar li xejn mhu mortifikat la minn barra lanqas minn ġewwa. Min iħalli ’l ġismu jegħelbu speċjalment dwar il-gula, ta’ min isejjaħlu iktar bhima inkella bniedem.