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  • Crosses in life
Spiritual Directory
St George Preca

  • Directive No. 571
  • Directive No. 571
  • Dirección 571
  • Direzzjoni Nru. 571

  • Don't stand there weighing the cross God has or hasn't sent you. The merit of the cross is not in its heaviness, but in the way we carry it. We are prone always to look at the externals, but those which are more hidden and lowly are easier to carry, so this is the safer option.
  • Do not discuss the cross sent to you by God. The merit of the cross is not in its heaviness, but in the way we carry it. We are prone always to look at the externals, but light crosses are those which are more hidden and lowly. So, we will be more sure of ourselves.
  • No debes fijarte en cómo es o no es la cruz que te otorga Dios. El mérito de la cruz no está en su peso, sino en la manera como se carga. Nosotros siempre buscamos las cosas que se pueden ver, y las cruces ligeras son más humildes y escondidas: por consecuencia, hay más certidumbre.
  • La toqgħodx tħares kif huwa u kif mhumiex is-salib li jibgħatlek Alla. Il-mertu tas-slaleb mhux fit-toqol, imma fil-manjiera kif wieħed jerfagħhom. Aħna miġbudin li nfittxu dejjem ħwejjeġ li jidhru, u s-slaleb ħfief huma l-iktar moħbija u baxxi: għalhekk inkunu iktar fis-sigur.