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  • 5 years ago
  • Open Content
  • Discerning
  • Tempted
  • Love of self
The Sanctuary of the Spirit of Christ
St George Preca

  • Step 13.4
  • Chapter 13.4
  • Passus 13.4
  • Passus 13.4

  • Every person has a natural propensity to self-love which forcefully urges one to seek self-satisfaction and so avoid all suffering, poverty, scorn and pain.
  • Every person has a natural and strong desire for self-love which urges him to seek after his own satisfactions in such a way as to avoid all suffering, poverty, scorn or pain.
  • Según el espíritu de su naturaleza, el hombre se atrae fuertemente por el amor propio, y este amor lo mueva a buscar la satisfacción de la naturaleza de manera tal que no lo quiere sufrir ni pobreza, ni desprecios ni tampoco ningún dolor.
  • Il-bniedem skond l-ispirtu tan-natura għandu ġibda qawwija għall-imħabba tiegħu nnifsu, u din l-imħabba tqanqlu biex ifittex is-sodisfazzjon min-natura b’mod li ma tridux ibati la faqar, la disprezzi, lanqas uġigħat.