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  • 5 years ago
  • Open Content
  • Arrogant
  • Christ crucified
  • Obedience
  • Will of God
The Sanctuary of the Spirit of Christ
St George Preca

  • Step 60.2
  • Chapter 60.2
  • Passus 60.2
  • Passus 60.2

  • Light from Listening:
    11. Christ crucified inspires a spirit of obedience and of perfect resignation to God's will when on the cross one sees him drinking the cup his Father offered him, a cup of suffering, both interior and exterior.
  • 11. Christ crucified inspires a spirit of obedience and perfect acceptance of God's will when He is seen drinking the cup his Father offered Him, a cup full of interior and exterior sufferings.
  • 11. Cristo crucificado engendra un espíritu de obediencia y resignación perfecta a la voluntad de Dios cuando uno lo ve bebiendo en la cruz el cáliz que su Padre le dio para tomar, un cáliz de sufrimientos internos y externos.
  • Dawl mis-Smigħ.
    11. Kristu kruċifiss jnissel spirtu ta’ ubbidjenza u ta’ rassenjazzjoni perfetta mal-volontà ta’ Alla xħin wieħed jarah jixrob fuq is-salib il-kalċi li tah jixrob il-Missier, kalċi ta’ sofferenzi interni u esterni.