- Step 83.7
- Chapter 83.7
- Passus 83.7
- Passus 83.7
- Have you not reason enough to be glad that when you suffer pain, you accept the dispositions of God who governs everything according to His will? This is a sign that Christ is loving you in the same manner he himself was loved by his heavenly Father.
- Have you not reason enough to be glad when during sufferings you accept the dispositions of God who governs everything according to his will? This is a sign that Christ is loving you in the same manner He Himself was loved by his heavenly Father.
- ¿No tienes razón para regocijarte cuando en los sufrimientos que te caen en cima te unes a la voluntad de Dios quien dirige todo hacia su voluntad? Este es un signo que Cristo te está amando como lo amó su Padre celestial.
- M’għandekx inti raġun li tifraħ xħin inti waqt is-sofferenzi li jiġuk tintrabat mal-volontà ta’ Alla li jrieġi kollox għall-volontà tiegħu? Dan hu sinjal li Kristu qiegħed iħobbok bħalma ħabb lilu l-Missier tiegħu tas-sema.
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